
Daily Music


I have been obsessed with this song since I first heard it and I must share it here with you all. Spotify only allows previews now, so please check out the full version if you like what you hear. I can’t get enough. 🙂

I hope you all are doing well. This week is going to be me busting my butt to get ready for Sol Invictus. I finally got the tree organized, now I just need to decorate it. I’m going to be doing some baking this week, with gingerbread men (or “gingerdead” men as my Emilie calls them because we always end up making them into zombies) being the big project to end the weekend. I figure if there’s anything that I miss, I’ll make a list to finish it all off next week. I have to talk to my sister about dinner still. She said that she was making it, but knowing my sister, something will come up and the ball will be thrown back to me. Not that I mind. I enjoy making turkey dinner.

As long as I can get at least a little sleep, I’m hopeful that I’ll get everything done. Autumn hasn’t been too generous with allowing me to sleep. My Emilie is excited and that’s enough for me to get excited and make it a celebration for her, even if it means I’ll be dragging myself around. Not to mention, this is Autumn’s first Sol Invictus, so I need to make it special for her, even if she won’t remember it. I wish the rest of my family cared about it, but it is what it is, I suppose. This haven’t been the same since my mom passed, and it sucks because often times it feels like I’m the only one trying.

I get the last week of December off, between Sol Invictus and New Years, and I am really looking forward to it. I never get time off, and I’m going to take advantage. Catch up on housework, spend some time with my daughters, prepare some witchery for the new years and get caught up on my covenwork. I’m also going to set aside some time to devote to this little space… get some graphics made, some content added, etc. I don’t care if anyone visits this blog, because I keep it for me, but it would be nice for the occasional soul that does visit to have some content to look at.

Anyhow. That’s all from me for now. I will post in the next few days with pictures of what I’m up to. 🙂

Daily Music


It’s the most wonderful time of the year…

I seem to be having one of those days where I just… cannot concentrate, for the life of me. Not even with two coffees down the hatch. Must be the lovely and gloomy fall weather we’re having. I’d much rather be outside walking around and enjoying it, than stuck inside at work, typing this on my lunch break. I would go and walk around now, but there is a huge anti-trans protest going on around the block and I don’t want to fight anyone today.

I’m so happy that it’s fall. With Mabon tomorrow, I’m almost giddy, because this is my favourite time of the year. Mabon, Thanksgiving, Samhain, and then the transition to winter and Yule. I am starting to nest, which is good timing, because there is so much to be done with baking, cooking, getting the baby’s room in order, and getting the yard cleaned up. I am currently 29 weeks into my pregnancy, and I only have 10 weeks left, so I’m hoping to using this nesting feeling to get everything I can possibly get done done, and when it’s time to have my baby boy, I’ll be well rested and surrounded by pumpkin chai and Dutch apple bread.

I am still waiting to hear from the obstetrician in Kamloops. With there being 10 weeks left in my pregnancy, I’m a bit skeptical that I will at this point. I have another appointment with my antenatal doctor coming up on the 28th, and I’ll talk to her about it, but in the event that things go the way they seem to be going… my only option seems to be that when I go into labour, I’ll just have to show up at the local hospital and if they want me to go to Kamloops so bad, they can arrange a transfer there for me at that time. The entire thing is so stupid, if you ask me. Nothing has gone wrong, my hypertension is controlled and my baby is perfect, but I’m still “high risk” because of my age. During my employment at the hospital, the oldest woman I saw give birth was 41, and they had no issues delivering her baby. They gave me their reasoning, and I get it, but the entire thing is unfair and stupid. Thank goddess that my Charlie is super supportive of me, because if I was doing this along, I think my hair would fall out from dealing with all of this nonsense.

There’s been a lot of new music coming out lately, and the one I’m most excited about is the new Carnifex album that’s going to be dropping on October 6th. This is the second single they’ve released so far:

Brutal, right?

I’m going to keep sipping on this pumpkin latte and toddling along. I hope you’re all doing well and enjoying this time as much as I am. 🙂

Daily Music Photodumping


Twenty-five weeks and counting now. Despite the constant heartburn (hello Rolaids, my old friend…) and the little bouts of insomnia I have been having, things have been going really well. My son is very active, quite rambunctious. I’ve had two extra ultrasounds now, because he has been too wiggly and uncooperative for the ultrasound tech to see his heart structures (as part of the anatomical study). I have another ultrasound next week, so fingers crossed that he cooperates, because I really hate having to lay there for 45 minutes and go through all that prodding for nothing. It’s very uncomfortable, to say the least. I still haven’t heard from the obstetrics group in Kamloops, which has been a little bit disheartening, so I’m at a bit of a stand still as far as delivery plans go. Public Health has been really supportive, and I’ve been seeing a social worker to assist with travel and whatnot. Hopefully in the next couple of weeks.

Last week, my Charlie and I took a little evening trip to Kamloops to see Merkules at the Nightshift on 5th club. It was Charlie’s first time seeing him, and my third. I had never been to the club before, so I didn’t know what to expect, but it was really, really nice inside and the staff were exceptional. It felt a bit weird being in a nightclub as a pregnant woman, but I wasn’t the only one (there was one other), and the bartenders didn’t charge me for my Coca-cola. I really enjoyed myself, and I was happy that he sang both “Way Down” and “Gon Die” from the Trust Your Gut album, which are two of my favourite songs (and that album is my favourite). It was really nice to see him again, he always puts on a good show, and it was double nice to get out of the house and spend quality time with my Charlie.

I wasn’t able to get VIP this time, like I did when I saw him in 2018 in Prince George, but that was okay. There’s always next time. 🙂

I’m so glad it’s the weekend. My plan is to work on the baby’s room, and at least get it ready so that I can start getting the furniture in there so Charlie can build it. I’m planning on getting the crib bedding and some more clothing when I next get paid, and it will feel nice to finally have that room set up and ready to go before the snow hits. With the weather being what it is at the moment, I predict the big snows are going to start sooner rather than later, and I don’t want to be worrying about moving things and getting things ready when the snow inevitably hits.