
Daily Music Photodumping


Twenty-five weeks and counting now. Despite the constant heartburn (hello Rolaids, my old friend…) and the little bouts of insomnia I have been having, things have been going really well. My son is very active, quite rambunctious. I’ve had two extra ultrasounds now, because he has been too wiggly and uncooperative for the ultrasound tech to see his heart structures (as part of the anatomical study). I have another ultrasound next week, so fingers crossed that he cooperates, because I really hate having to lay there for 45 minutes and go through all that prodding for nothing. It’s very uncomfortable, to say the least. I still haven’t heard from the obstetrics group in Kamloops, which has been a little bit disheartening, so I’m at a bit of a stand still as far as delivery plans go. Public Health has been really supportive, and I’ve been seeing a social worker to assist with travel and whatnot. Hopefully in the next couple of weeks.

Last week, my Charlie and I took a little evening trip to Kamloops to see Merkules at the Nightshift on 5th club. It was Charlie’s first time seeing him, and my third. I had never been to the club before, so I didn’t know what to expect, but it was really, really nice inside and the staff were exceptional. It felt a bit weird being in a nightclub as a pregnant woman, but I wasn’t the only one (there was one other), and the bartenders didn’t charge me for my Coca-cola. I really enjoyed myself, and I was happy that he sang both “Way Down” and “Gon Die” from the Trust Your Gut album, which are two of my favourite songs (and that album is my favourite). It was really nice to see him again, he always puts on a good show, and it was double nice to get out of the house and spend quality time with my Charlie.

I wasn’t able to get VIP this time, like I did when I saw him in 2018 in Prince George, but that was okay. There’s always next time. 🙂

I’m so glad it’s the weekend. My plan is to work on the baby’s room, and at least get it ready so that I can start getting the furniture in there so Charlie can build it. I’m planning on getting the crib bedding and some more clothing when I next get paid, and it will feel nice to finally have that room set up and ready to go before the snow hits. With the weather being what it is at the moment, I predict the big snows are going to start sooner rather than later, and I don’t want to be worrying about moving things and getting things ready when the snow inevitably hits.

Daily Witchy


Blessed Deipnon, everyone. With the new moon in Cancer, it’s a time for setting new intentions and self-nourishment. I don’t have any large rituals planned for tonight, just a small ritual of meditation, self-reflection and journaling. (With my baby fatigue, I don’t really have the energy for much more than that, LOL!) I found this affirmation on The Holy Witch instagram account, and I think it’s appropriate for the energy of this new moon:

‘I nurture, nourish and protect myself, and my loved ones as sacred. I call in blessings of love, prosperity and abundance.’

It’s beautiful, am I right?

I started my year-and-a-day journey with the Coven of Lilith this past Saturday. I was a bit nervous, but of course, my anxiety was for nothing. Elena split us into two coven groups that we’ll be working in, and all of the women I’ll be working with seem to be lovely so far. After our first gathering, I am actually really excited about this journey I’m about to embark on. It’s going to be a lot of hard work, but I’m totally here for it. I’m not sure how much of it that I’ll be able to share, because the material isn’t to be shared outside of our coven groups. I plan to share my own poems, prose, and spells here, but maybe I’ll also do reviews of the third-party books we read. Some thoughts to throw around.

Today also marks the halfway point in my pregnancy, at 20 weeks.

I still can’t feel baby kicking from the outside, but I certainly feel it on the inside. The heat has been making me feel a bit miserable, and the wildfire smoke just adds another layer to that misery. In addition to all the fans I’ve got going, I might be getting an AC unit for my bedroom this week, so that will definitely help.

I had a call with the public health nurse today, and she mentioned that when I meet my OB for Kamloops, to ask them to refer me to the social worker in the hospital I’ll be delivering at, so that financial assistance can be coordinated for the time I have to relocate to Kamloops. If it’s possible to get that, that would be such a weight off of my shoulders. I’m still going to start saving, just in case, but even just a little bit funding would help.