Author: Rachel-Rebecka

Daily Ranting Storytime


So far, this year has been an odd one. Wrench after wrench has been thrown my way, from the past, things from the future… but speaking of odd…

Someone that I never thought I would have to deal with again, someone that I honestly had forgotten about and had become a footnote in the big book of “Rachel’s Really Traumatic Shit,” reached out to me. Let’s call this individual… Harriet. Here’s a little back story.

When I started dating my oldest daughter Emilie’s father… let’s call him Stewart, I was aware that he had a child with Harriet. During my short friendship with Stewart before we began dating, I was under the impression that he and Harriet had a good co-parenting relationship and that they had a good arrangement as far as support, parenting time, et cetera. He presented it that way and I really had nothing to go on aside from what he said.

Boy, was I wrong. Stewart and Harriet’s relationship was extremely volatile, which was apparent almost immediately once we were together. Even though they had been apart for a while at that point, the rumor mill in our small town is a well-oiled machine, and everytime Stewart heard a rumor of Harriet doing something that he didn’t like, he would “punish” her. Didn’t matter if there was any truth in it. His favourite way to “punish” Harriet was to stop paying his child support and to refuse to take their daughter, who we’ll call Stacy, on his appointed days to take her.

I hated that he did this. It boiled my blood, because Stewart wasn’t “punishing” Harriet, he was punishing their daughter and cheating himself out of time with her. But, with Stewart being the raging, narcissistic, sociopathic asshole that he was/is, he didn’t care. Every time I tried to talk to him about it, and tell him he wasn’t being fair, I was told (with a finger pointed in my face) that it was “his fucking business,” and I had to “mind my own.” Which I had to respect, because I would be “punished” if I didn’t. My punishment was usually denial of any kind of affection whatsoever, and he wouldn’t speak to me sometimes for hours or sometimes for several days. He would only resume speaking/paying attention to me if he felt I had learned my “lesson” or not. Being in love, having low self-esteem and virtually no self-worth at all… I was desperately in love and I wanted to make him happy, so I minded my own. I got caught in a very vicious cycle of abuse that lasted three years.

Harriet didn’t get the memo, I guess. I was told by a very reliable mutual friend that Harriet was saying to anyone that would listen to her that I was the reason behind Stewart’s decision to not be a parent and do his part. In hindsight, I believe a lot of the animosity that she seemed to develop towards me, was caused by things Stewart told her. Probably all of the animosity. He fanned the flames, because it was easier to throw me under the bus and make me into a monster, instead of admitting to himself and everyone else that he was a deadbeat shit bag of a father.

My first face-to-face interaction with Harriet came once Stewart and I had moved in together. He was in the midst of “punishing” her, because he had heard that she’d been caught in her car with her new beau, during an intimate moment. He refused to answer her calls, so she ended up driving down to our townhouse, and banging on the door. I will never forget this interaction, because it was a lugubrious day already and as soon as I had opened the door, you could just feel the anger and the hate rolling off of her. I called Stewart to come to the door, which he did, and they immediately started screaming at each other on the stoop. It was so bad, that multiple neighbours shouted out their windows that they were going to call the RCMP if they didn’t quit it.

One thing about Stewart, was that even though he portrayed himself as this hardcore badass with previous gang affiliation, he was very afraid of the police. So, to prevent police involvement he slammed the door in Harriet’s face, stomped into the kitchen where I was, and proceeded to roundhouse kick our garbage can, reducing it to a pile of plastic shards. I think that was the first time that I was ever really afraid of Stewart.

Things continued that way for a year. When Harriet met her husband, we’ll call him Rick, and my daughter arrived, things got worse. Rick somehow convinced Harriet that I was “unsafe” to be around Stacy, which was both insulting and comedic, because up until that point, anytime Stacy came over, I was generally the one looking after her. After she was dropped off at 7 AM, Stewart would go back to bed and leave her for me to deal with. We hung out until he woke up, which was usually around lunchtime, and for the rest of her visit, he went back and forth outside smoking (he liked to use a gravity bong – he mixed marijuana and tobacco together – it was fucking gross). I made sure that little girl was fed, helped her when she needed help in the washroom, played with her, read to her, and so on. Which was difficult to do, considering I started out with minimal childcare experience and then I was juggling a newborn (Stewart was such a wonderful father that he left me with all the baby duties, too). The one rule that was absolute and unbreakable was that I was not to discipline Stacy. Any discipline was to be doled out by Stewart, and I abided by that rule, because it wasn’t worth being “punished” over.

As things went on, towards the end of mine and Stewart’s relationship… Stacy’s behaviour towards me changed. All of a sudden, she was very mean, she’d talk back. It was very apparent to me that she was jealous of the baby. Stacy did not like sharing her father, and she was very cruel to Emilie. Stewart would just shrug his shoulders, cite sibling rivalry and then go have another smoke. The one instance that always sticks in my mind was we were all sitting in the living room on the floor, when my daughter was about 7 months old, watching cartoons and playing. I don’t remember what Emilie did, but in response to whatever it was, Stacy slapped and pushed her so hard, that her little head cracked off the floor. I was shocked. All Stewart did was tell her not to do it again. No consequences at all, he didn’t even ask if Emilie was okay, and I wasn’t allowed to say or do anything. I just picked up my baby and left. Another instance that comes to mind… was when Stewart stepped outside to have another smoke, he told the girls to be good and to listen to me. Emilie was almost a year old at that point. Stacy waltzed right up to me with her hand on her hip and said “My mommy says I don’t have to listen to anything that you say, or she’ll come here and bloody your nose.”

All I said was “Oh yeah?” and that was it. I spoke to Stewart about it afterwards, and my concerns about her behaviour towards the baby, and apparently because I did that, I was a “bully.” I was a bitch, a cunt and a monster, because standing up for myself and my baby meant I was “bullying” a five-year-old. Once again… it was easier to cast me in that light than admit what an absolute dumpster fire of a father he was. I’m sure he spun a narrative for Harriet that she believed… honestly, at that point I didn’t care much anymore. The cycle of abuse was breaking at that time, and I believe it was around this time was when Stewart met the heroin addict he eventually left me for, and he picked up a crystal meth habit (which I found out after the fact – it explained his erratic behaviour among other things).

Stewart and my relationship came to its very violent finale on July 20, 2014. He threatened my life, and so on and so forth. The police were involved, it was a mess, but that’s a story for another time. When Stewart was out of our apartment, I contacted Harriet on two separate occasions, but only ever got her voicemail. I wanted to discuss with her the future relationship of our daughters, considering they were still sisters at the end of day. I don’t really know what I had hoped to accomplish with contacting her… I didn’t want my baby around Stacy at all, but I guess I had to be able to tell myself that I tried, even though I knew what the outcome was going to be. Harriet never responded, as I knew in my heart she wouldn’t. In the ten years since then, every single time Harriet has seen me and my daughter in public (we seem to run into each other a lot in Walmart), she turned Stacy and herself around and went the other way.

Which was fine by me. My daughter, on the other hand, was distraught for the first few years. She definitely went through the stages of grief, and she did accept it eventually. Fast forward to present day, she now has her baby sister that adores her, and she told me she was happy with that.

But in the funny way that the universe works, I looked at my phone on Wednesday and there is a Facebook Messenger request from Harriet. Apparently, Stacy and my daughter are attending the same school (which they are not – Emilie is still in elementary and Harriet would be in middle school – the only way I gather that they’re “in the same school” is if Stacy is attending the alternate program beside my daughter’s school), and Harriet “doesn’t know how to navigate the situation.”

I almost shot coffee through my nose and urinated my skirt because I laughed so hard. What’s to navigate? The two of them are strangers – Emilie doesn’t even know what Stacy looks like, and wants nothing to do with her. Ignore her like you’ve done for the last ten years. Not that hard. I don’t know what she expects me to say? Or do, for that matter? Am I suppose to remove my daughter from her school to make Stacy more comfortable? I don’t fucking think so.

I’ve been sitting on this message, because I don’t know how to respond. Or if I even should. With how nasty this woman has been to me in the past, and the awful things she’s said about me (this post touches just a hair on the head of her bullshit), I don’t really want to interact with her. It’s already brought up a lot of feelings and forgotten memories of my relationship with Stewart, and it makes me really angry that it has. I know I should “be the bigger person,” but why the fuck do I have to always be the one? I hate that this bitch has interrupted my life again. How dare she, honestly.

I’m probably going to sit on my feelings a little bit more.



Me in a nutshell.

I’ve been in a bit of a funk lately. Doesn’t help that I’ve been battling the flu (it’s not Big Rona – thank Leviathan – it’s the other one) for the better part of the last month-and-a-half. I’m at the end of it now, thankfully, but the fatigue has been especially hard to shake. I haven’t been sick like this is probably four years, since I had Big Rona the first time. I’ve discovered that I turn into a giant blob of absolute fucking mess and an inconsolable infant when I get sick now, which is a recent development. I felt bad for Charlie for having to put up with me. I probably would have hit me with a stick.

Needless to say, all of my plans went onto the backburner, including my new diet protocol. I had also planned to start inventorying my mom’s things and going through what needs to be boxed up for my aunt, but that hasn’t happened yet either. Trying to psyche myself up isn’t working, and my brain just wants to scream when I think about everything I have to do before my trip to Terrance in July. I still haven’t even told my aunt that we’re coming yet or looked into hotels or anything.

I think it’s going to come down to just… doing it. Start in a corner and work my way through. Make a list and start crossing things off. I have a lot of hard decisions that I’m going to have to make and even though I don’t want to be the one to do it, it has to be done, and no one else in my family is stepping forward to do it. My dad’s attitude is just to shrug his shoulders at it. Which is a bit infuriating but I want to be sensitive to his grief, so I don’t give him shit about it.

The only really exciting thing that’s happened in the last little while is that for my birthday, my little family took a mini-trip to Kamloops. I got to go to the mall (which I didn’t know had a Torrid – I would have saved a few grand if I’d known), have some Popeye’s chicken and just spend time with Charlie and the kids and have some fun. Emilie got her ears pierced, which she’s been asking to do for a while now. I haven’t done the “birthday weekend” thing for a few years, so it was nice to get out for a while. The first night though, I ended up falling on my face in the parking lot and ripping my left knee open. Thankfully it didn’t impede to much of my fun, other than just being a bit annoying because my band-aids kept falling off in spots.

This was my favourite picture from the entire weekend:

The hotel we stayed at had a wonderful breakfast room that overlooked the river and an excellent continental breakfast. The coffee needed a bit of work, but it’s too be expected, I guess. Thankfully there was a very nice Starbucks close to where we were.

I’m thinking about starting book reviews again. I did a couple of reviews on my last blog, which I unfortunately lost, but I thought it might be fun to start those up again. Get some more lifeblood flowing in this little space. I might also dip my claws into album reviews… but I don’t know how that will go because I don’t have much interest in listening to anything other than William Control, Molchat Doma, and Sleep Token these days. We’ll see.

That’s all from me for now. Have an ear worm:

Morgan’s hair in this video… it makes me want to dye my hair red.

Weight Loss Journey


Something I have struggled with my entire life is my weight. I’ve gone back and forth between denial and acceptance of my problem since it first occurred to me that I was bigger than my other female classmates.

The thing is… I never really change anything. I know that I have an issue, but I don’t really do anything about it. Or I will start something, stick with it a few days, and then abandon it. Whether it’s a diet, an exercise program, or just committing to eating less, I never stick with it. Why? I’ve never really understood that. I guess it’s just easier to engage in poor behaviour, to go back to what’s easy and not “do the thing” so-to-speak. It’s easier for me to go to McDonald’s than it is to cook a good, healthy meal at home.

The longest I’ve ever engaged with a program was in 2017, or 2018, when I signed up for a keto program that was being offered through my then doctor’s office. I didn’t have to think about it – I bought all of my food through the program and the only thing I had to buy was low glycemic veggies. I think that’s why I stuck with it for the three months that I did, because I just followed the guidelines from my coach and I didn’t have to think about it. I ended up losing over 50 lbs in those three months, but I ended up getting so sick that I had to stop.

What my coach left out in the explanation of ketosis is that it completely suppresses your hunger. The longer I was in the ketotic state, the less hungry I was and the more I had to force myself to eat. It got so bad that anytime I put food in my mouth, or even thought about eating, I became extremely nauseated. The weight loss was nice, but the nausea was not worth it. I experienced similar symptoms in 2020, when I tried Saxenda (sibling of Ozempic). I lost 9 lbs on that, but the nausea just wasn’t worth it.

When I entered my 30s, I promised myself that by the time I saw 40, I was going to be at a healthy body weight. Whether that was attained through bariatric surgery, through exercise and diet, or both, I was going to be a healthy weight at 40. The sun will be rising for me on the big 3-6 soon, and I’ve had to come to the realization that I’ve only been taking half-measures towards my goal. I was referred to a weight loss program, which I have been working in, but I haven’t been doing as well as I could be, you know? I’m not doing as much as I can do.

I like to avoid the “new year, new me” stuff, because that’s never worked out for me. Instead of resolutions and whatnot, I’ve decided to just refocus on my goal. At some point this year, I should be able to attend my bariatric preparedness course through my program for my surgery (depends where I fall on the waitlist), but in the meantime I’ve decided to try the Optifast program that they offer. The basic gist of the program is that I am on a liquid meal replacement, four times a day. No food, just the meal replacement. Plus water, black coffee or herbal tea if I want. I finally got my medical clearance from my obesity doctor (they have to clear you because this program isn’t suitable for people with certain comorbidities), and my shakes arrived, so I’ve been slowly integrating them into my day. My program facilitator said I can start with two a day, and then a low calorie dinner, which is what I’ve been doing for this last week.

So far, I’ve lost 5 lbs. My only complaint about the shakes is that the fiber in them seems to suck all the moisture out of my body. I have to be sipping on water all day, otherwise I get so thirsty that I get headaches and cottonmouth. I’m going to continue with it, because I’m fully satiated after my shake, I’m not experiencing a lot of cravings, and I’m not nauseated. I’m going to be posting my weigh-in numbers here, to keep accountable. I’m weighing myself every Monday morning, and this was yesterday’s numbers.

Starting weight: 304.6 lbs
Current weight: 299.6 lbs
Week 01 Loss: 5.0 lbs

So far, so good. 🙂 I’m expecting a higher loss this week, because I’m moving to the four shakes per day. I’m so happy to be out of the 300’s.

While on this plan, I’m going to be studying my nutrition, my portions and the proper plating method. I’m going to be moving to a more whole-foods, mostly plant based diet once I complete this run (a cycle of Optifast is for three months) and see how I do.