

I couldn’t find my notebooks. 🙁

I’m going to keep digging, though. They couldn’t have gotten far.

This month has been a bit crazy. Between my course, work, and being a Mom, I haven’t had much room to breathe. I’m not sure if I’m sick, but I’ve been feeling out of sorts, and I’ve been experiencing a weird set of symptoms for the last couple of weeks. Knowing me, it’s probably just fatigue. I have a three-day weekend, so I hope to rest a bit. I have a lot to do around the house, but I’m not going to push myself too hard.

If the rain slows down, I’m hoping to get outside a do a little work in the yard. There is a patch of thistles that have just absolutely exploded this last month and they need to go. Charlie said he’d lend me a pair of his work gloves to rip them out of the ground and I’m kind of looking forward to it. Get some of that ol’ aggression out, you know, LOL.

I volunteered myself to host the October “Witch Stack” book club in DCG. I don’t know why I did… I guess getting into the spirit of getting my little rump out of my comfort zone. At least I can speak about the book I chose, and I think I can speak on the material with some confidence. I chose “The Morrigan” by Courtney Webber. I need to reread the book and make some notes… maybe consult my Raven’s Retreat journal and see if there’s anything I can supplement the notes with. My anxiety is already at work, trying to get me to back out, and list all of the reasons why I should. I’m determined to see this through. Even if it turns out to be me just blubbering at the camera, or giving the deer-in-headlights look, at least I will be able to say that I tried.

I really need to get to bed. It’s Friday tomorrow, my dudes.

LOL. Good night.

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