Month: September 2024



I couldn’t find my notebooks. 🙁

I’m going to keep digging, though. They couldn’t have gotten far.

This month has been a bit crazy. Between my course, work, and being a Mom, I haven’t had much room to breathe. I’m not sure if I’m sick, but I’ve been feeling out of sorts, and I’ve been experiencing a weird set of symptoms for the last couple of weeks. Knowing me, it’s probably just fatigue. I have a three-day weekend, so I hope to rest a bit. I have a lot to do around the house, but I’m not going to push myself too hard.

If the rain slows down, I’m hoping to get outside a do a little work in the yard. There is a patch of thistles that have just absolutely exploded this last month and they need to go. Charlie said he’d lend me a pair of his work gloves to rip them out of the ground and I’m kind of looking forward to it. Get some of that ol’ aggression out, you know, LOL.

I volunteered myself to host the October “Witch Stack” book club in DCG. I don’t know why I did… I guess getting into the spirit of getting my little rump out of my comfort zone. At least I can speak about the book I chose, and I think I can speak on the material with some confidence. I chose “The Morrigan” by Courtney Webber. I need to reread the book and make some notes… maybe consult my Raven’s Retreat journal and see if there’s anything I can supplement the notes with. My anxiety is already at work, trying to get me to back out, and list all of the reasons why I should. I’m determined to see this through. Even if it turns out to be me just blubbering at the camera, or giving the deer-in-headlights look, at least I will be able to say that I tried.

I really need to get to bed. It’s Friday tomorrow, my dudes.

LOL. Good night.

Daily Music


My latest earworm that won’t leave me be, LOL.

I’m still alive, I swear, LOL. The last little while has been spent working, more working, being mom, and working on my transcription course. Between all that, I’ve been enjoying the two new Marilyn Manson songs and trying to have a normal sleep schedule.

This month is going to be a bit crazy… I need to start getting my stuff together for Mabon, Thanksgiving, and Samhain. Also, the Empowered Modern Witches Summit happens at the end of September, and I’ve been at the edge of my seat in anticipation for that because this year’s theme is shadow work (free tickets for the summit are here).

One thing I did was reactivate my Photobucket account. It’s quite a mess in there, but it had all of my graphics and icons that I made for my blog and my LiveJournal when I was a teenager, and a lot of photos from when I was 16-18 in it. The photos were quite mortifying – I still can’t believe I wore Eric Draven style make up for years and no one stopped me, LOL. I might share them on here if I can get over the cringe.

Hopefully, this weekend sometime I will finally be adding some poetry and things under the writing section here. WordPress is being weird, so we’ll see what I can do. I am going to dig my old notebooks out of the closet and see what treasures I can find in them.